Release Notes


Release Date: August 2024


Deduplicate Geometry

  • Compute OBBs more accurately to improve fuzzy deduplication matching algorithm

  • Considering prim attributes when performing fuzzy deduplication

  • Improve geometry references/instanceable references reporting

Edit Stage Metrics

  • Change up axis of individual xformOps without needing to collapse them to matrices

Generate Projection UVs

  • Remove Redundant UV primvars opinions on references

  • UV generation ignores instance prototypes restrictions

Optimize Materials

  • Limit deletion to prims in the stage’s edit target, references to other layers become deactive overs in the edit target layer


  • Stop report output logging to kit/console to reduce data amount

  • Update Delete Hidden Prims to use internal method instead of kit method

  • Skip time varying meshes to avoid crashes in some SO operations

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