This node outputs the poses of assets with semantic labels
To use this Node, you must enable omni.replicator.isaac
in the Extension Manager.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
exec |
Trigger |
includeOccludedPrims |
Set to True if poses (and if enabled, centers) of fully occluded/out-of-frame semantic entities should be output |
getCenters |
Set to True if producing center coordinates of every semantic entity projected in the image space |
cameraRotation |
Rotation of the desired camera frame from the default camera frame, as XYZ Euler angles |
imageWidth |
Width of the viewport |
imageHeight |
Height of the viewport |
cameraViewTransform |
Camera view matrix |
cameraProjection |
Camera projection matrix |
sdIMNumSemantics |
Number of semantic entities in the semantic arrays |
sdIMNumSemanticTokens |
Number of semantics token including the semantic entity path, the semantic entity types and if the number of semantic types is greater than one |
sdIMInstanceSemanticMap |
Raw array of uint16_t of size sdIMNumInstances’*’sdIMMaxSemanticHierarchyDepth containing the mapping from the instances index to their inherited semantic entities |
sdIMSemanticTokenMap |
Semantic array of token of size numSemantics ‘*’ numSemanticTypes containing the mapping from the semantic entities to the semantic entity path and semantic types |
sdIMMinSemanticIndex |
Semantic id of the first instance in the instance arrays |
sdIMMaxSemanticHierarchyDepth |
Maximal number of semantic entities inherited by an instance |
sdIMSemanticWorldTransform |
Semantic array of 4x4 float matrices containing the transform from local to world space for every semantic entity |
data |
Buffer array data |
[] |
bufferSize |
Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture) |
swhFrameNumber |
Frame number |
semanticTypes |
Semantic Types to consider |
[‘class’] |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
exec |
Trigger |
data |
Semantic array of 4x4 float matrices containing the transform from local to view space for every semantic entity. Additionally, an optional semantic array of float[2] vectors containing the center coordinates of every semantic entity projected in the image space |
idToLabels |
Mapping from id to semantic labels. |
primPaths |
Prim paths corresponding to each pose. |
swhFrameNumber |
Frame number |
bufferSize |
Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture) |
height |
Shape of the data |
width |
Shape of the data |