API Commands#
All Navigation Mesh Python API commands are called from the omni.anim.navigation.core
Begins baking the NavMesh using current settings and utilizes the NavMesh cache if available. Return
if NavMesh baking is successfully requested. Returnfalse
if not (e.g. no suitable Mesh or NavMeshVolume in the stage).Example
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() inav.start_navmesh_baking()
if NavMesh baking is successfully requested. Returnsfalse
if not (e.g. no suitable Mesh or NavMeshVolume in the stage).Example
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() inav.force_navmesh_baking()
Cancel all NavMesh baking jobs.
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() inav.cancel_navmesh_baking()
Returns a path of valid points path points in between specified start and end points on the NavMesh. Path Points can be generated in and out of Play mode in Kit.
start_pos (carb::float3): The starting point of the path to query. end_pos (carb::float3): The end point of the path query. half_extents (carb::float3): The search extents for NavMesh if the point is not exactly on the NavMesh. overrideRayCastProportions (carb::float): Raycast is used to find potentially shortcuts on the path. Pass this optional parameter to config how long the raycast distance should be. The default value is 50 * agent radius.Example
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() # Set the start and end points. If valid, new path points will be generated along the NavMesh. path = inav.query_navmesh_path((24, 40, 63), (-960, 106, -258)) path_points = path.query_navmesh_path() print(path_points.get_points())
if the point is on the NavMesh. Returnsfalse
if no NavMesh is available or the point is not on the NavMesh.Arguments
point (carb::float3): The point to query. normal (carb::float3): The normal found. half_extents (carb::float3)): The search extents for NavMesh if the point is not exactly on the NavMesh.Example
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() is_point_valid = inav.validate_navmesh_point(point=(24, 40, 63))
if a nearby point on the NavMesh is found. Returnsfalse
if no NavMesh is available or the point is not reachable based on the Half Extents.Arguments
target (carb::float3): The target position in the world to test against. point (carb::float3): The nearest point on the NavMesh, if found. normal (carb::float3): The normal found of the point on the NavMesh, if found. half_extents (carb::float3): The search extents for NavMesh if the point is not exactly on the NavMesh.Example
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd import carb stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() closest_point = carb.Float3(0, 0, 0) result = inav.closest_navmesh_point(target=(0, 10, 0), point=closest_point, half_extents=(10,10,10)) print(result, closest_point)
Returns a random point located on the NavMesh.
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() random_point = inav.random_navmesh_point()
Returns the events stream for the NavMesh system.
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() event_stream = inav.get_navmesh_event_stream()
if specified prim supports NavMesh. Returnsfalse
if it is an unsupported prim type.Arguments
primPath (str): The path to the prim to test. includeExcludedPrims (bool): If true, include prims that have the NavMeshExcludeAPI. includeRigidBodies (bool): If true, include rigid body prims even if the excludeRigidBodies setting is True.Example
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() test_prim = inav.is_supported_navmesh_prim( primPath="/World/Cube", includeExcludedPrims=True, includeRigidBodies=False )
Returns the directory that stores the NavMesh Cache.
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() cache_dir = inav.get_navmesh_cache_dir()
Returns the number of NavMesh volumes in the stage.
import omni.anim.navigation.core as nav import omni.usd stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() inav = nav.acquire_interface() volume_count = inav.get_navmesh_volume_count()
Creates a NavMesh Volume prim.
parent_prim_path (str): The parent prim path in the stage where to add the NavMesh volume. layer (str): The layer to create the NavMesh volume.Example
import omni.usd, omni.kit from pxr import Sdf stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() omni.kit.commands.execute("CreateNavMeshVolumeCommand", parent_prim_path=Sdf.Path("/World"), layer=stage.GetRootLayer() )
Specialized command to apply
that automatically infers size from prim(s)Arguments
prim_path (str): The prim path in the stage on which to remove the API schema usd_context_name (str): The USD context where this command should be used. Allows for this command to be used by multiple USD contexts simultaneously.Example
import omni.kit omni.kit.commands.execute("ApplyNavMeshObstacleSchema", prim_path="/World/MyCube", )
Removes the
schema from prim(s).Arguments
prim_path (str): The prim path in the stage on which to remove the API schema usd_context_name (str): The USD context where this command should be used. Allows for this command to be used by multiple USD contexts simultaneously.Example
import omni.kit omni.kit.commands.execute("RemoveNavMeshObstacleSchema", prim_path="/World/MySphere", )